Friday, 5 February 2016

Which Are The Five Best Baby Monitors In 2016

Which Are The Five Best Baby Monitors In 2016

First, I would like to welcome you to my best baby monitor and baby monitor reviews blog. I have spent a lot of time and money testing out various baby monitors and I hope that my reviews help you save time and also get the best baby monitor that your money can buy. After all your bundle of joy deserves the best.

Want To Save Time? Check Out My Top Picks The Best Baby Monitor For 2016 : If budget is not a constraint then go for this one from Summer Infant Best Budget Baby Monitor without scrimping on features and quality Best Video Baby Monitor – value for money.

So How Do I Find The Best Baby Monitor?

Well to answer that question, you need to ask yourself what is the purpose of the baby monitor that you seek. Of course the basic function of any baby monitor is to alert you when your baby needs you, but baby monitors have evolved a lot since the simple voice only versions that were available years ago.

Baby Monitors can be broadly classified into

Audio Baby Monitors:

These are your basic vanilla baby monitors and can be thought of in their simplest form as glorified walkie-talkies. As the name suggests all you can do with these is to hear the sound of your baby. These are further split up into analog and digital. Digital monitors obviously having better sound quality.

Video Baby Monitors:

These baby monitors let you see your baby, kinda like seeing him or her over a webcam. Most of these monitors have cameras that have zoom, tilt and pan functions so you can move the camera around and zoom to see your baby more clearly

Movement Sensing Monitors:

These monitors alert you of movement from your baby and even lack of it.  With the number of kids dying in the US from sudden infant death syndrome, these motion sensing monitors are a godsend.

Wireless Monitors:

Gone are the days of running wires from your baby’s room to yours. Most of the modern baby monitors that are available these days are wireless. Some of these run off your home WIFI connection and run pretty much out of the box.

DECT Monitors

These too are wireless baby monitors, but they rely on a technology called DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications) which is basically the frequency at which cordless phones ( not mobiles) operate. They are a bit outdated compared to WIFI monitors, but still do a good job.

Well thats how baby monitors are classified broadly. If you have any questions please use the contact form and i shall get back to you.

In the mean while read my reviews using the links on the right hand side of this page, or if you are in a hurry check out my top picks that are listed in this page.


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