Saturday, 16 January 2016

Motorola Digital Video Baby Monitor Highlight feature

Highlight feature of Motorola Digital Video Baby Monitor

Motorola MBP26 Wireless Video Baby Monitor
Motorola MBP26 Wireless 2.4 GHz Video Baby Monitor
High resolution Motorola Baby Monitor with 2.4 inch diagonal color display Enhanced infrared night vision 2 way communication Portable parent unit 3.5 hours wireless monitoring without recharging.

“The Motorola Baby Monitor camera base is very light weight like some have said but I mounted mine so it was no problem for me. The battery on the parent unit lasts about 3 – 3 1/2 hours on mine. I do use the VOX though (the monitor only kicks on when baby makes a noise) so maybe that’s why it lasts longer then some. Overall I am very satisfied with the product, especially considering the price compared to most video monitors.”

“I would recommend this video monitor to everyone. I have an 8 m/o baby and i am most of the time by myself doing stuff and working at home. I can watch him play while I am in the kitchen or in my home office. The image is crystal clear and great color. Sound is perfect and it has its own light for bed time.I was searching for a video monitor but the ones out there are very expensive. I'm very happy with my Motorola video monitor

“We bought this for our son who is suffering from not only nightmares but night terrors too. I like the fact that I can see and hear him when he first starts yelling and my husband and I do not have to fly through the house with our eyes shut to check on him. Not only can I see him but the monitor has 2-way communication so I can talk to him too. Now, if we hear any noise during the night, we can look over at our unit to see if it was our son or our pets making the sounds. I would recommend this to any parent whether they have an infant or if they have an older child with a sleep disorder. Being able to see our son is a comfort to us and him knowing I can see and hear him is a comfort to him. Great product!”

Below is the link for you to get the best deal of this baby video monitor, click it now for Motorola MBP26 Wireless 2.4 GHz Video Baby Monitor with 2.4" Color LCD Screen, Infrared Night Vision and Remote Camera Pan and Tilt.

Motorola MBP26 Wireless Video Baby Monitor

If you are looking for other choices of baby video monitor from Motorola brand, take Motorola model MBP36 into consideration. Click this Motorola MBP36 Remote Wireless Video Baby Monitor withColor LCD Screen for product details.

Which Motorola Baby Monitor is Right for You?

MBP 8MBP 10MBP 26MBP 33MBP 36Blink1
MBP 8MBP 10MBP 26MBP 33MBP 36Blink1
ProductAudioAudioAudio / 2.4" ColorAudio / 2.8" Color VideoAudio / 3.5" Color VideoAudio / Mobile Device Specific Video
Wireless Technology1.9GHzInterference Free Digital2.4GHz2.4GHz2.4GHzWiFi Connect
Range165 ft900 ft520 ft590 ft650 ftWiFi Connect
Out-Of-Range AlertN/A
Night Light
Visual Noise Level Alert
Lullaby Player
Room Temp Display
Two Way Communication
Infrared Night Vision
Expandable up to (Cameras)4444
Wall Mount (Baby Unit)
Remote Pan/Tilt/ZoomZoom only

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