Thursday, 21 January 2016

Tีurn Your Phone into a Baby Monitor

Tีurn Your Phone into a Baby Monitor

Mobile devices are facilitating our lives in many ways, mainly through the use of applications. And it is able to transform your smartphone into a baby monitor . Then we recommend the best apps for it.


This app is exclusive to devices iOS as the iPhone, but it's really useful. We can download for free and only has the requirement that we need two devices to Apple for it to work. One becomes the monitor and the other in the chamber. For example, with iSitter we can leave placed the camera and use iPhone as the iPad, which has a larger screen as a monitor. In this way we can have the baby guarded at all times. If we are obsessed about image it may not please us, because the picture is gradually cooling every x seconds. However, the sound itself is in real time, which helps a lot.


The operation is similar to iSitter, but in this case you can download iOS and Android . Its range of support is broad and flexible, as smartphones and tablets can combine different brands easily. The operation, as noted, is similar: a terminal serves as monitor and a camera. Connection is via Wi-Fi or, as the name of the app over 3G data . We can download the iOS and Android at the price of 3.99 euros.


This application is only available on Android , but has certain advantages over other similar apps. For example, do not need the Internet is running to work. Dormi Baby Monitor has a fitting system noise and transmits both image and sound. It is free, so there's no reason we should not try it at least.


Although his name is not exactly original, what makes it so special the Baby Monitor app is that it incorporates some unique features. We can say that you can download for free from the Google Play store for devices Android . One of its features is in a warning system that calls us or send us a message at the time when the child begins to mourn. This is very useful if we have fallen asleep. It also has a sleep diary with which parents can take notes on how your baby rests.
Tีurn Your Phone into a Baby Monitor


The main advantage of this app, Cloud Baby Monitor, which is only available on iOS , is that it ensures the performance with high quality sound and video. It lets talk to the baby remotely, has alerts, including lullabies, and enjoy the video option to live wherever we are. On the other hand, it has been updated while the service is already optimized to their use in Apple Watch . The downside, and it's a problem, because the app is fine, it is to have a price of about 4 euros and this is not something that everyone will want to pay.


Both Google Play on Android as the iTunes App Store in iOS are full of applications for monitoring babies. Not all work equally well. We highly recommend reading the user reviews and check that the app pays in good shape before you rely on it too much. Babies deserve the best care and is better than the beginning at least we test the application in a profound way. Also, remember not to be paid for an app is better than free.

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