Saturday, 9 January 2016

Samsung Galaxy S5 also works as a baby monitor and nobody knew

No one won't know about this Samsung Galaxy S5 option!

Samsung Galaxy S5 also works as a baby monitor and nobody knew
Samsung Galaxy S5 also works as a baby monitor and nobody knew
We know that is able to recognize our fingerprints or measure your heart rate, but possibly no one ever would have thought that the Galaxy S5 can also act as a baby monitor!.

The average SoyaCincau has discovered from the options menu, the terminal of Samsung has a feature called 'Baby crying detector', able to detect a crying baby and issue a warning for us to be aware -it it is advisable to phone It is at a distance of one meter from the uproar has low noise and shoot around. For his work take hold, of course, of his new companions, clocks Samsung Gear, which get a vibrating alert that you go to comfort the star of crying.

As you can see in the screenshot on the right, Samsung itself is Health cure-level responsibilities and advised that this function is used responsibly, without being used at any time as a substitute for monitoring a baby deserves. At the end of the day there are situations that machines will never replace us ... at least for now.

But if you have enough budget, look for Samsung Wireless Baby Monitoring System will be better.

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